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Landscaping Insurance vs Snow Removal Insurance

Published by Robert J Stillwell on December 10, 2019


With winter quickly approaching, many landscapers are preparing for snow removal season. When supplementing your business revenue with seasonal income, your insurance company will want to know about it.

Although landscaping and snow plowing operations seem to be connected, insurance companies see these as two different kinds of operations. There are still some very big differences that may cause insurance companies to look at a landscaper doing seasonal snow removal a little more closely.

Does My General Liability Cover Snow Removal & Seasonal Conditions?

Landscapers slow down their planting, mulching, mowing, tree work and pick up snow removal in the winter. However they forget to think about their policy and if the proper coverage applies.

In the event there is a claim for a slip and fall, they would need the snow removal and street cleaning classification on their policy. Slip and fall incidents can be substantially expensive.  If this snow removal insurance classification is not included and coverage would likely be denied.

If you are in any doubt of what your policy covers, don’t hesitate to give us a call to review your coverage.  Call us at 215 643-3490 or fill out a form below.

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