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Limited Tort vs Full Tort: What’s The Difference?

Published by Robert J Stillwell on June 19, 2019


In Pennsylvania, you have the option between full tort and limited tort on your personal auto policy. To make an educated decision, you need to understand the differences between full tort and limited tort.

What is Full Tort?

Full tort gives an individual unrestricted rights to bring a lawsuit against the negligent party. Full tort allows you to sue for pain and suffering. Keep in mind, full tort is more expensive since it is providing a broader scope to file suit.

What is Limited Tort?

Limited tort allows you to recover for economic loss such as medical expenses and lost wages when the accident is the fault of another driver. However, for the most part, you are unable to recover for pain and suffering unless your injuries meet one of the limited tort exceptions.

  1. When the injury sustained is considered a serious injury or in the event of death. The problem is there is no clear cut definition of what a “serious injury” entails.
  2. If the individual at fault is convicted of a DUI or accepts Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD)
  3. If the vehicle that caused the accident is registered in another state
  4. When the vehicle you are driving or riding in is a commercial vehicle. (ex: company cars and trucks, buses, etc.)
  5. You were a pedestrian when you were injured

Tort is a personal decision but just be aware of what your options mean to you.

If you would like to discuss your tort options, please contact us at 800-642-3490 or fill out the form below. We would be happy to review with you.

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